Dolomite Photography Workshop
13th Oct./17th Oct. 2017
High-altitude lakes, forests and mythical mountains of the Dolomites, UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be the location of this special workshop.
Workshop on field from October 13 to 17, 2017.
Dolomite: Le tre Cime di Lavaredo, Le Cinque Torri, Lago Di Braies, Lago di Misurina, Le Tofane, Croda del Lago.
During this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn and practice different techniques of landscape photography. The 4-day workshop will be characterized by short trek to reach the beautiful location in the best hours of the day. Si affronteranno le tecniche d’inquadratura e d’esposizione e di come si deve preparare il materiale fotografico e l’abbigliamento per organizzare delle escursioni fotografiche in montagna.
N° Students
10 max
€ 500 for students including housing
Info and subscriptions
+39 06 88818139 – +39 347 0012584