Webinar di fotografia di Fabiano Ventura

What is a webinar

Webinar are short online seminars or lessons of about 30 minutes on specific themes or photographic techinques which can be comfortably followed from home or office via PC, TV or tablet connected to internet in a specific day and time. This is a modern and efficient teaching form, through which the participants during the lesson listen to my voice and follow the slides, photos or other materials on the screen, and can interact by writing questions or comments in the dedicated chat space. This allows me to respond directly in viva voce eventually by grouping the answers by topic. To join a webinar is easy and does not require any technical skill. The participant receives a first email with link and in a few minutes will be able to register to the webinar. In a second confirmation email, the participant receives a personal link to click on at the established webinar time. In a few minute the connection to the virtual class will start.

Discussed topics

This is a list of the topics or photographic techniques relative to the proposed webinars:

  • Panoramic and immersive photography
  • HDR photography
  • Night photography
  • Progressive selection techniques
  • To realize an effective photographic archive
  • To realize a profession portfolio
  • Plan funding research for a photographic project 

For reservation and request of a specific webinar (or other specific request) write to: workshop@fabianoventura.it