Sulle Tracce dei Ghiacciai

“Caucasus 2011”: second expedition concluded

“Caucasus 2011”, the second expedition of the project “On the Trails of the Glaciers”, which started on July, 28th 2011 and was organized by Macromicro non-profit Association and led by Fabiano Ventura, was concluded on September 1st. The expedition’s team traveled a mostly uncontaminated and unexplored region north-west of Georgia, characterized by the highest Caucasian peaks. The main aim of the expedition was to re-shoot the historical pictures from the same point of view, to evaluate glaciers surface’ variations through geomorphological surveys and on field measurements. On the field were, along with Fabiano Ventura, the glaciologists Prof. Kenneth Hewitt e Dr. Riccardo Scotti, and the TV crew composed by director Marco Preti and cameramen Luca Venchiarutti, aimed at realizing a documentary produced by SD Cinematografica, which will be soon broadcasted on the main national and international TV channels.