03 Oct 2018
On the trail of the glaciers: the upcoming events
In the next months Fabiano Ventura will tell the results of the project On the Trail of the Glaciers, in several italian cities.
“To be honest – says Ventura – back from the last expedition in the Himalaya I never stopped. And I could not do it precisely because I feel it as a great responsibility.that to witnessing with my work the environmental emergency of our Planet.
Thus, Fabiano Ventura, from now until the end of the year , will be present in various contexts about climate change and the environment:
in LECCO, on October 5th, the conference “On the trace of the glaciers” as part of the ImmagiMondo Festival;
In GENOVA, from October 25 to November 4, the exhibition “On the trace of the glaciers” will be at the Festival della Scienza at Palazzo Ducale;
In GENOVA, on November 4th, at the Aquarium of the city, with the conference “Mountains without glaciers: a possible future?“, with the participation of Fabiano Ventura, the glaciologist Claudio Smiraglia and the journalist Luca Calzolari;
In TORINO, on October 26th, with the interactive video “In cammino nel tempo” during Climathon 2018, the 24-hour climate marathon, at the Environment Park;
In CATANIA, on December 13, for a lesson on climate change in two high schools of the city under the project “La scienza a scuola“ by Zanichelli.